Thursday, November 19, 2009

Home- what it means

Home is one of the important basic needs of every individual. Home consists of a house with four walls and families which live in it with love, care and affection which makes it a home.
A home is a place where we are comfortable and are ourselves. After a tired day of work we yearn to go home to relax and have rest. So homes play an important role in our lives,that we must look forward to keeping our homes presentable and desirable that we too must long to be at home. Decorating a home is not a very tedious task and we really dont need to spend lots of money in buying the most fanciest thing in town to put them into our homes. We can really make it really desirable by simple and very cost efficient ways by just laminating a small crayon scribbling of our children or our own paintings and hanging it on the walls. It will give us more satisfaction seeing our work as the memories of the making or the drawing are always fresh in our minds and the good things of our lives are the vibes that we get seeing these pictures and the family bonding is also stronger. At the same time when the child sees that his/ her scribbling on the walls he/she feels so proud that my parents have put my painting on the walls and thus builds a confidence in them to enhance on their skills also.
Thus it is just simple things in lives that we need to think of and identify in creating a good home atmosphere to raise responsible individuals for the future.

1 comment:

  1. We want to know how your organisation works, What is the terms & conditions for getting funds for home
